Here are some of the details I never want to forget: hearing voices as I walked up the hill to the barn; little white butterflies dancing around the flowers; the grey, drizzly day in the middle with the breeze flowing between the doors; eating chef-prepared meals out of mason jars, and potato chips and gummy bears up in the barn; the smell of woodsmoke; sitting in a circle beneath the big oak tree; footsteps on the floorboards and the hairdryer drying paint; people humming and singing along with the music; picnic baskets for lunch; distasteful jokes; trying to describe that mashed potato soup; sharing our favorite pens; walking to and from the hotel and that golden retriever that kept greeting us; Marian trying to come up w an acronym for us; the pop of a prosecco bottle; helping get bugs out of each other’s hair; saying ‘see you in the morning’ and desperately hoping it would never end.”