Collage Tunnel Books with Dorsey Hogg

Friday July 19th, 6-8pm + Saturday-Sunday July 21st and 22nd, 9am-4pm

Join book artist and educator Dorsey Hogg in adding dimension to your art by creating tunnel books.

We will explore a variety of upcycled papers to turn a 2-dimensional collage into a 3 dimensional structure.

No experience required!

Only patience and a love for cutting, gluing, and folding!

All materials are provided, but participants are encouraged to bring materials that inspire you!

Fee: $500
- includes all materials
- an Opening night light mixer fair + light coffee/tea breakfasts.

BYO lunch

Optional dutch dinners at local restaurants or order in for after-hours studio dinners.


Collage Art Tunnel Books with Dorsey Hogg
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Over the last 10 years Dorsey Hogg has been exploring book arts and paper sculpture by repurposing book pages and papers that are destined for the landfill. She loves the challenge of taking a book whose pages have not been opened in years (if ever) and creating a new life for it; exposing the words, illustrations, photos, all the life within, and showing it to the world in a new way. She began using only found materials after she realized how much waste she was creating in her artwork, artwork that was often never finished. Using discarded books and materials has provided her with endless projects and opportunities while keeping her art footprint very small.

Dorsey Hogg has been teaching art in Vermont for 25 years. Before coming to Vermont she spent 2 years in the Peace Corps teaching art at a high school in Botswana. She earned her BFA in art education at the University of Cincinnati and her M.Ed at Saint Michael's College.

Dorsey shows her book and paper art regularly at venues and galleries around Vermont and she has been honored to be a part of juried book arts exhibitions in Connecticut, New York, and Ohio.

“Combining intuition and spontaneity with direct observation of nature is the best way to create fresh, compelling paintings immediately and to stay inspired and passionate for a lifetime.”